Tuesday 5 July 2011

Heh-Hash Teh-Tadgery

Weh-Why Do Feh-Fools Feh-Fall in Teh-Tub
  Leh-Like a Beh-Bat out of Geh-Gel
Veh-Video Keh-Killed the Reh-Radox Star
i'm We-Washing on a Ste-Star
Keh-CoalTar Meh-Miners Deh-Daughters
Deh-Dont Lever me Deh-That Weh-Way
Keh-Climb upon my Neh-Knee Seh-Sunlight boy
Deh-Daz the Weh-Way i Leh-Like it A-A-A-A-A-A-Ah A Ah
Everybodies Geh-Gone Seh-Surfing Seh-Surfing usa
To Seh-Surf with Leh-Love
Reh-Rub a Deh-Dub Feh-Three men in a Teh-Tub
I'm Feh-Feh-Forever Beh-Blowing Beh-Bubbles
Che-Chess may be the Geh-Girl i can't Feh-Forget
Spe-Spam Spe-Spam Spe-Spam Spe-Spam
for 4th. of Jeh-July American Peh-Pie
Peh-Pasta the Weh-Way I Like it A-A-Ah Ah
I'm a Peh-Pink Tooth Beh-Bruschetta your a Beh-Blue Tooth Bruschetta
Seh-Sitting on the Deh-Dock of the Beh-Bacon
Meh-Mumma hes Meh-Making Pork Peh-Pies at Me
When the Seh-Sausage Rolls are called up Yeh-Yonder
Yeh-You can't Keh-Curry Leh-Love
Teh-Tears on my Peh-Pilau
Sgt. Peh-Peperoni Leh-Lonely hearts Keh-Club Band
Oh Yes Deh-They Call him the Ste-Streaky
Happy Beh-Beefday to Yow
Deh-Danish Beh-Blue Meh-Moon
Unbreak my Teh-Tart
On the Che-Chicken Wings of Leh-Love
Seh-Slice and Easy Deh-Does it
Weh-Willycum Feh-Fair
Deh-Don't go Beh-Breaking my Teh-Tart
Deh-Doing the Lamb-Beef Weh-Walk
ongs Everybody's Peh-Pork n Apple Me
Samosa Sorry Neh-Now
If your Irish Keh-Come into the Peh-Porker
A Peh-Pizza Hut A Peh-Pizza Hut Keh-Kentucky Fried Che-Chicken and a Peh-Pizza hut
Beh-Black Pudding is Black I want my Beh-Baby Back
An American Tripe-ogy
I saw Meh-Mommy Keh-Kissing Chicken Claws
Seh-Sausage Roll out the Beh-Barrel
Neh-Nymphs and She-Sheperds Pie away
Ooooh I do Leh-Like to Beh-Beef beside the Sea-Silverside
Who will Beh-Buy this Weh-Wonderful Brawning
Oh What a Leh-Lovely Beh-Boar
Cheeses Weh-Wants me for a Seh-SunBeam
What a Feh-Friend we have in Cheeses
If I Roulade the Weh-World
At the Leh-Lamb Shank its a little old Peh-Place Where we can Geh-Get together Lamb Shank Beh-Baby
Leh-Lamb Shank it all Over
Teh-Two Peh-pints of Leh-Lager and a Peh-Packet of Keh-Crisps Peh-Please Ooooh Sorry Weh-Wrong Keh-Counter

Cher-Shrimp Peh-Paste is a Keh-Coming Deh-Theres Dancing tonight Cher-Shrimp Peh-Paste is a Keh-Coming the Veh-Vans in Sight

Motor Peh-Piking
Beh-Bre-----eam, Beh-Bream Beh-Bream Beh-Bream
Teh-Twist and Teh-Trout
Heh-He was a Ske-Skate a Beh-Boy I said Seh-See Yow Leh-later beh-Boy
Eel Ye Neh-No Keh-Come Beh-Back again
Keh-Cod only Neh-Knows Weh-What i'd do Weh-Without Yow
Weh-Where ever i Leh-Lay my Heh-Haddock
Deh-They Call me the Meh-Moonlight Keh-Crabler
Neh-Nice and Eels y Deh-Does it
Feh-Three Cods int' Feh-Fountain
I Beh-Bream of Geh-Jeannie Wi' Leh-Light Beh-Brown Hair
Spratts-All Beh-Be the Deh-Day
By the Teh-Time I Geh-Get to Tuna it'll be Heh-Herring
Meh-Magic Meh-Mollusks
Weh-We're only Meh-Making Plaice for Neh-Nigel
Weh-Whale Oil Beef Hooked Weh-Whales are Meh-Mammals
Cher-Sharky and Geh-George
Heh-Help me Meh-Mako through the Neh-Night
Seh-Sardines Peh-Peppers Leh-Lonely Hearts Keh-Club Beh-Band

Anchovys away My Beh-Boys
Yow can't Heh-Hurry Leh-Loach
Yow don't Seh-Send me Feh-Flounders anymore
Geh-Gurnard (Geh-Gercher)
At the Keh-Conga Conga Cabana
Keh-Cockles from Keh-Cockle Sea
Spe-Spawn Feh-Free
Reh-RollMop the Beh-Barrel
Fer-Thanks for the Anenomes
Meh-Maggot Meh-Momments
Keh-Catch me if you Keh-Can
I'm in Peh-Plaices Bits n Peh-Plaices
Weh-WunderBream by Tadpole Tuna
Roach anne Yow Deh-Don't have to Peh-Put on a Reh-Red Leh-Light
Geh-Gladys is Meh-Making Fish Peh-pies at me
Keh-Catch a Feh-Falling Starfish Peh-Put it in your Peh-Pocket and Feh-Fetch a Keh-Cloth
One Peh-Plaice at a Teh-Time
Spe-Spratts the Way I Leh-Like it

Am I Teh-Trawling Yoooooo-------ow
Weh-Will Yow Answer Teh-Toooooo-------oh
Leh-Lobster Meh-Mash
The Teh-Time Whelk
Deh-Doing the Leh-Lambeth We-Whelk
A-Auntie Meh-Mary Had a Keh-Conga up the Leh-Leg of her Dre-Draws
Weh-When she Feh-Farted it Deh-Departed Feh-Flapping its Weh-Way out the Deh-Doors
Peh-Prawn Feh-free
Reh-Roe Roe Roe Thy Beh-Boat Geh-Gently Deh-Down Thy Stream
Weh-Whey------------L yow Meh-Make me Weh-Wanna Trout
Teh-Tits and Ass-Anchovy's
I've Geh-Got One Haddock in my Peh-Pocket Ah-Alanis Meh-Mollusk-ette
Feh-First Keh-Cuttle is the Deh-Deepest
Thy Heh-Haddock Bags and Thy Geh-Gladys-Rags
Meh-Maggot Meh-May
If i was a Feh- Fishman from Teh-Tidler ont' Reh-Roof
Meh-Move Dover Seh-Sole Deh-Darling
I Weh-Wish i was a Feh-Fisherman the Water Bouys
I'm Feh-Fishing on a Ste-Star
She-Shes a Peh-Prawn Teaser
I'm Deh-Dory so Deh-Dory
Geh-Go John Weh-West
Teh-Tanks for the Meh-Memories
You Meh-Make me Eel Meh-Mighty Reh-Real
Deh-There was a Young Weh-Woman from Eeling ( Beh-Bet its not a Seh-Song Deh-Doh)
Reh-Reels on Feh-Fire
Deh-Dabs the Weh-Way i Leh-Like it
Deh-Ding Dong Meh-Merrily Feh-Fish Peh-Pie
Can you Fill-et
  Heh-Hash Teh-Tadgery is Feh-Fun i only weh-wish I could Cher-Charge Fer it Leh-LOL
Der-The Meh-Man with the Geh-Golden Keh-Crumbs
The Beh-Boat that i Reh-Roe
Feh-From Russia with Leh-Loach
Teh-Ten Geh-Green Beh-Bottlenose Deh-Dolphins Heh-Hanging on Thy Weh-Wall
Feh-Fish in Neh-Newspaper Teh-Tied up with String Deh-These are a Feh-Few of my Feh-Favorite Things
Jeh-Jesus Weh-Wants me for a Seh-SunFish
I'm a Leh-Leaving on a Jeh-JetPlaice
Seh-Scampi Seh-Scampi, Seh-Scampi the Beh-Bush Keh-Kangaroo
They Keh-Call Him Feh-Flipper
Fer-Througherly Meh-Modern Mussel
I'm a Peh-Pink SwordFish your a Beh-Blue SwordFish
Heh-Has anybody Seh-Said Jeh-Jaws Yet Leh-LOL
Hi-Ho seh-Silver Beh-Bream
If your I-Fish Keh-Come into the Peh-Parlour
Der-There a Weh-Whelk-come Hear for Ye
Leh-Live and Feh-Fish Peh-Pie
The Leh-Laughing Peh-PollockMan
Weh-Whale-Oil be Seh-Seeing yow in all the old Feh-Familiar Peh-Plaices
Peh-Pack up yow Tre-Trouts in yow old Keh-Kit Beh-Bag
Eels are Geh-Good Eels are Geh-Good he's Ebeneezers Geh-Good
Shoal by Reh-Rumour
Fish an Chips an Seh-Sausage Reh-Rolls
Then he Strikes Like Keh-Cod-Beh-Ball by Tom Johna
I Gotta BehBrand New Combine-Trawler you gotta Beh-Brand Neh-New Quay
That H.A.D.D.O.C.K. Reh-Reaches its Seh-Sell-By todayeeee_.
Jeh-Jeh-Jeh-Jeh-Jeh-John Dory Seh-Seems to be the Heh-Hardest Weh-Word
Feh-Flounders Keh-Keepers losers Weh-Weepers
Weh-We're all Feh-Fishing on Ow Summer 'Oliday (Feh-Fact)
Seh-Sitting on the Deh-Dock of the Bayliff Watching My Teh-Tenner Weh-Walk away
Deh-Dive another Deh-Day
Veh-View to a Che-Chill
Neh-Knock on Head
Neh-Nip to me Do-Da's Neh-Nip to me A'ss Keh-Catching Crabs What a Weh-Wonderful Deh-Day
Beh-Bowing Owt Now Twe-Tweepers Yow had Meh-Moneys Worth

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